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Save Your Spot - Next Session Opens April 2024!

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A coach-guided program that shows you how to simplify fitness, master the basics, build a sustainable fitness routine and exercise consistently so you can feel fit and healthy throughout your life.


Corene Repnik

Fitness and Nutrition Coach

PN1-NC Certified

Stop Waiting Until You Have "More Time"

You will always be busy,

and there is NO BETTER TIME THAN NOW to

invest in your health and make your fitness a priority!

Start Now!

In my Simplify Fitness For Life program, you will learn what areas of fitness are most important to focus on every week, what workouts to do to get results, how to exercise when you are short on time, how to enjoy exercise and stay motivated, how to create a sustainable fitness routine, and how to show up consistently through all seasons of life, no matter how busy you are.

My step-by-step coaching program guides you through the entire process of creating a healthy and active body and fitness routine you can realistically sustain long-term!

How It Works

Expert Guidance

I provide you with the information and resources you need to create a fit and healthy body and lifestyle you can realistically sustain.

Habits + Routines

Support + Accountability

Start Now!

I provide the tools and show you how to establish a healthy mindset and the habits and routines necessary for life-long fitness and health.

I provide you with the support and accountability to exercise consistently, even when life is busy or you are in an unusually stressful season.

What's included:

  • Step-by-step Coaching and Guidance from me throughout the program
  • Weekly Emails to keep you focused and showing up consistently
  • Weekly Workouts to build strength, endurance, balance and mobility
  • Fast and Effective Workouts you can do at home or the gym
  • Workout Tracking for accountability
  • Access to your Personal Program Dashboard and materials 24/7 online

What My Clients Are Saying

“Glad I am on this training plan with you or wouldn't have done a thing this crazy week!.



“I loved the program so much. The recipes and workouts are amazing!


“The program offers guidance and knowledge that fits with my lifestyle and offers the tools I value to continue to lead a healthy and balanced life.

Enroll Now!
  • Simplify Fitness For Life Program
  • Simplify Nutriton For Life Program
  • Access for 12 Months

I am ready to start making my fitness a priority with a one-time payment of...

  • Program Access for 6 Months

Want help simplifying nutrition too?
Bundle my fitness and nutrition program and SAVE. Learn to exercise and eat healthy consistently throughout your life.



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Yes, I'm Ready!



*Bundle Option at Checkout

Bundle and SAVE $96!

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(206) 388-7717

2023 Leavenworth Health and Wellness. All rights reserved.